Slides and Links from my APIMASH Starter Kits Talk at First State .NET Last Night

Thanks again to everyone who came out last night. The First State .NET user group has been rebooted and is coming on strong. Upcoming meetings will feature Nik Molnar and Jeff Fritz. I hope too see lots of you there!

You can get the slide deck for my talk here: It’s a modified version of the slide deck available in the APIMASH GitHub repository.

The slides contain all the links you will  need to get up and running with the starter kits, but here are a few that I would like to highlight.

Get the starter kits on GitHub

Learn about the kits from Bob Familiar

Watch demos of the kits on Channel 9

Find APIs on APIhub

Learn about Red Gate’s new Deployment Manager

Big thanks go out to the folks at Red Gate for providing some licenses to give away at the meeting last night!


Programming Skills a Little Dull? Why Don’t You C-Sharpen Up with Philly .NET on 6-Oct-2012?

In case you missed my link to Steve Michelotti’s post about C-Sharpen Up in this morning’s Dew Drop, you can read that here. Here’s a blurb:

On October 6th, I’ll be presenting at C-Sharpen Up at Philly.NET at the Microsoft Malvern, PA location. I’ll be presenting along with Stephen Bohlen, Andy Schwam, and Danilo Diaz.

This is an encore presentation of the popular C-Sharpen Up event held by the Philly .NET User Group this past spring. Don’t be fooled, this is not an Intro to C#. This event is aimed at developers who are experienced in C# and want to take their skills to the next level. Learn some LINQ, Lambdas, SOLID principles and unit testing practices from some of the best in the region.

The event is on 10/6 from 8:00am – 4:30pm, and it will very likely sell out. Go! Register now! Tell ‘em I sent you. You won’t get a prize for that, but you might get a dirty look or two.  Winking smile


– Alvin
